Little Sheroes
Science and Story Time (Ages 3 - 6)
It’s never too early to introduce your youngest scientist to body literacy concepts! Join us in our treehouse for a story, fun science experiment to do together with your daughter, and healthy snack. These classes are designed for kiddos ages 3 to 6 to explore with their grownup. Each registration is for one child and one adult and classes are taught by GPS founder and children’s book author, Konika Ray Wong, M.Ed. Email Konika at info@girlpowerscience.com to inquire about private bookings.
Beautiful Oops
Cost: $55
Hooray for mistakes! In this interactive workshop we’ll explore how every mistake is an opportunity to make something beautiful. We’ll teach kids that it's perfectly fine, and sometimes fortuitous, to make a mistake. Did you know that silly putty, chocolate chip cookies and play-doh were all discovered by mistake?
I'm the Boss of my Body!
Cost: $55
Research shows that talking about consent from the age of three increases self-awareness, self-esteem, and allows kids to recognize and confront things that are uncomfortable or inappropriate.
My Skin is a Superpower
Cost: $55
Did you know, your skin has amazing superpowers? Based on the research that race and body diversity should be discussed with toddlers on up, this workshop offers adults the opportunity to begin important conversations with young children in an informed, safe, and supported way.