The GPS Mission
GPS empowers girls to navigate puberty with confidence.
Our body is a compass.
Body literacy education gives us the tools to read it.
Our curriculum builds a strong foundation of scientific knowledge blended with social emotional learning. The onset of modern puberty in girls is as young as age seven. Studies show that self-esteem plummets during this time. The GPS program celebrates growth and builds body confidence.
GPS offers workshops for kids and parents in-person at their location in San Francisco, in schools, and virtually across the globe.
Girl Power Science believes in practicing radical inclusivity. Girl refers to gender expansive youth (cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth)

“As a father of a young daughter, I was both nervous and eager for my daughter to learn about this vital stage of her development. It was important to me that GPS offered a hands-on and science-based curriculum. Along with a solid foundation of knowledge, she thoroughly enjoyed engaging with her peers and the incredibly talented Ms. Ray [Konika Ray Wong, M.Ed]. Months later, when she had her period, my daughter let my wife and I know, and handled it with ease. When I expressed to my daughter how proud of her I was for her grace and maturity, she looked at me and said, ’thanks, but it’s not a big deal’. The tools and know-how that GPS provided my daughter are worth their weight in gold. But the sense of embodied confidence that she gained in preparation of this meaningful moment, is priceless.”
— Girl Dad, SF