Thank you for joining our book launch team!
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the main characters in our book:
Tickle Monster
This is the first draft of the main character of our new kids book, the tickle monster. Our creative illustrator, Mary Navarro is experimenting with different ideas at this stage so the final tickle monster might be different from this version.
Squeezy Cheeky Monster
We gave the “squeezy cheeky” monster crab claw-like hands. I bet you can guess what they are going to do with those pincher claws in the story! Our book will be released in March and we can’t wait to share it with you.
Hug Monster
Meet the hug monster! We are so grateful that you you are joining our book launch team. We will send you details about the FREE book reading and “I’m the Boss of My Body!” workshop shortly. Stay tuned!