Parenting in the Digital Age

The Best Tools to Manage Digital Parenting Anxiety

  • Family Media Plan

    This tool created by the American Academy of Pediatrics makes it easy to create a family media plan for all ages. The template includes helpful categories such as priorities, media balance, digital privacy and safety, screen free zones, screen free times, and choosing good content.

  • Build Your Support System

    It takes a village to raise a child and the positive side of our growing digital world is that it is making our village much larger. This organization offers parent forums and regular online events where you an connect with others facing similar challenges. Casual conversations with parents about handling common digital challenges like screen time and social media can lead to valuable ongoing support networks.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Social Media For Parents

    Exposure to social media starts earlier than we realize with platforms like YouTube and Roblox. This resource includes everything you need to know about safety features and settings, key concerns and solutions, and age-by-age considerations for building essential skills for safe and successful social media use.

Girl Power Science Founder and Director, Konika Ray Wong, M.Ed leads parent education workshops focused on the four S’s of digital parenting: screen time, smart phones, social media, and sexualized material.

Email: info@girlpowerscience for more information on booking a session at your school or organization.