Course Descriptions
Here are the descriptions for all of the classes on our road map to body literacy. Parents registering for one workshop at a time can choose topics in any order. Parents or schools that sign up for the full series usually request the classes in the order below. There are ten workshops for ages 7 - 12 and there are three workshops for ages 3 - 6. The GPS curriculum is inclusive and relevant to all genders. GPS founder and educator, Konika Ray Wong, M.Ed levels the content up or down based on the specific students and school requests in mixed-age settings.
Growth Mindset (Ages 7 - 12)
It all begins by laying the foundation for body literacy by learning about our amazing nervous system. Our question of the day is, “Why should we celebrate mistakes?” We’ll explore the anatomy of a neuron and do an experiment that leads us to understanding how practice makes progress.
Free to Be Me (Ages 7 - 12)
The pubertal brain remodel begins as early as age seven and takes a decade to complete. In this class, we’ll normalize our shifting identity and celebrate what makes us unique. Our goal is to understand that our appearance is just one aspect of our identity and many parts work together to make us strong.
Be Your Own BFF (Ages 7 - 12)
The brain remodel leads to identity shifts and it makes perfect sense that friendships evolve too. In this class, we’ll learn about healthy friendships, self love, and self care. We’ll break down the science of why we compare ourselves to others and how we can harness this human trait to build confidence.
Be the Change (Ages 7 - 12)
In this class, we will celebrate growth by reframing the changes associated with puberty as superpowers. From mood swings to breast buds, building body confidence is all about having an attitude of gratitude that our bodies are healthy and growing.
Go with the Flow (Ages 7 - 12)
GPS founder and author, Konika Ray Wong, M.Ed will read her children’s book, “One in a Million - A First Book About Periods.” Using a wide variety of visual aids, we will explore the science of menstruation and all of the new and old inventions that help us manage our periods.
I'm the Boss of My Body (Ages 3 - 12)
Research shows that talking about consent and boundaries from the age of three increases self-awareness, self-esteem, and allows kids to recognize and confront things that are uncomfortable or inappropriate. In this class, we will talk about our personal space bubble and ways to keep ourselves safe if someone invades it.
Glow (Ages 7 - 12)
We’ll extract DNA from strawberries and make necklaces while learning about genetics and metabolism. This class proactively builds a positive body image by boosting science and media literacy skills. We’ll explore the science behind why humans have diverse shapes, sizes, and skin tones.
Food is Fun! (Ages 7 - 12)
In this class, we will learn about intuitive eating and the science of how different foods keep us both physically and mentally healthy. We’ll also explore media literacy skills to decipher how some advertisements try trick us into buying their products. Our class will culminate with a fun cooking project in which we make chia pudding.
We can Build a Human (Ages 7 - 12)
We will begin by brainstorming diverse family structures. Then, we’ll learn about all of the possibilities they can choose if they want to add a baby to the mix. This class will cover basic male and female reproductive anatomy, sexual reproduction, adoption, egg and sperm donation, surrogacy, and in vitro fertilization.
Media Mindset (Ages 7 - 12)
Based on Harvard’s “Project Zero” curriculum, this class will cover strategies to strengthen media literacy skills using digital dilemma scenarios. Topics will include healthy digital habits, digital safety, and proactive conversations about pornography to prevent trauma.
Beautiful Oops (Ages 3 -6)
Proactively prevent perfectionism with this class about embracing mistakes. Did you know that silly putty, chocolate chip cookies, and play-doh were all discovered by mistake? Every mistake is an opportunity to make something beautiful. It’s perfectly fine, and sometimes fortuitous to make a mistake.
My Skin is a Superpower (Ages 3 - 6)
Based on research that race and body diversity should be discussed with toddlers on up, this workshop explores our skin’s amazing superpowers. Our skin color is an adaptation that helped our ancestors survive. This workshop offers the opportunity to begin important conversations about race with children in an informed, safe, and supported way.